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Workplace for Windows and Mac v10 allows you to access the entire data repository on demand and to access all your most frequently used features directly from context menus. The Workplace app is installed on your computer and runs silently in the background. It ensures that the latest versions of your files and the files shared with you are available to you locally. The Workplace app is also responsible for making backups of folders you have selected, if that feature is available to you.

For more information on that, please refer to our Workplace app Backups tab topic. Projects that you store locally on your desktop or laptop are managed through The Workplace app interface or The Workplace Folder interface. The latter is where the local versions of projects synced to Workplace are stored.

The Workplace app will watch for changes to your locally stored projects as well as projects changed via Workplace Online and sync them, so your team is always working on the most recent versions of files. This topic explains how to use the Workplace for Windows and Mac app interface. We'll also walk you through workplace for windows 10 other basic functions.

For highly detailed instructions for common functions and specific screens, please use the left navigation menu or refer to:.

Workplace v10 features "cloud drive," which transforms your cloud repository into a virtual local library, so you can You can now control the drive letter for your Workplace Folder. This provides a more familiar experience if you're accustomed to using mapped drives to network shares or external drives. It's also a more elegant solution if you use absolute links to documents. That's because our new app supports automatic update with no user intervention required.

This policy will: disable upgrade notifications on v8 workplace for windows 10 earlier. If you have multiple Workplace accounts, you can associate them all with one instance of Workplace for Windows and Mac. This allows you to seamlessly switch between увидеть больше. You can also remove accounts.

For more information, please refer to Switch between Workplace accounts. A sleek, intuitive user interface makes is easy to locate what you and your team have worked on recently in workplace for windows 10 Workplace app. Favorites and locked files each have their own display tab as well. The windowss feature allow you to find your items by name or by name and file content.

Context menus in the app interface make your options clear and easily accessible. To access these menus in tthe app interface, just right-click an item. You can also access the context menu in the main interface using the element worklace appears on the worpklace side of any line item.

Just as they do in the Workplace app workplace for windows 10, context menus in your Workplace Folder make your options clear and easily accessible. To access these menus in the Workplace Folderjust right-click the wundows. The icons associated with each item in the Workplace Folder allow you to instantly see what state they're in.

And whether you're in the main interface or in the Workplace Folder, our icons always mean the same thing:. Workplace for Windows and Mac v10 is the default installation app for the Workplace service. For detailed instructions on installation, please refer to Install or uninstall the Workplace app. If you're and administrator interested in deploying Workplace for Windows and Mac to your users remotely, please refer to Silent installation.

NOTE Workplqce can search either by item name or by name and file content. To change your нажмите для продолжения type, click the icon to the right of the search field, hover over Search Inand select your preference for search type. You may enter your search term s before or after you make your search type selection. NOTE You must be online to sync items for offline use. NOTE You must be online to share items.

NOTE Use the arrows buttons to expand or collapse the panels. When a panel is collapsed, a summary of the settings is displayed below each section header. Share recipients can upload files via web browser. Existing files stored in that location will not be visible to them. This is the default selection for folder public shares. Share workplace for windows 10 can view, download, and upload files via web browser.

They can also email files workplace for windows 10 this location. Share recipients can view, download, and edit files with Microsoft Officeand upload files. They can also overwrite existing files. Only recipients whose email addresses match the email addresses or domains defined что can i outlook for windows 10 новенькое will be посетить страницу to access the public share. NOTE Watermarks are only applied to files that are converted. Please refer to File Conversion Workplace for windows 10 for more information.

Files that cannot be converted or are viewed in their native application will not have a watermark applied. NOTE Watermarked files can only be downloaded one at a workplace for windows 10 via a public share. NOTE The strength meter will windoqs how secure the password ссылка на страницу. The share can be set to expire after a specified access count.

Select the check box, then enter a value in the available field. NOTE Multiple accesses from the same public IP address within a 5 minute time frame will be considered as a single access. NOTE You must be online to lock or unlock items. Your selection will be applied to all selected files.

NOTE You must be online to favorite or unfavorite items. Once you click Remove Account You can, wjndows, add it again. NOTE The account you're currently working with will have a check mark next to it. If you encounter any issues while using Workplace v10, we'd really like to hear about it.

To make that easier, we've provided a built-in mechanism workplace for windows 10 bug reporting. Just follow these steps:. Datto Workplace's Smart Caching stores files workplace for windows 10 opening them without syncing them first.

Often, due to workplace for windows 10 mechanism, files you worked on recently will be available offline even if you have not synced them. The larger the cache size, the more likely the file will be available when offline. Account Settings Logout. Ror Files. Workplace for windows 10 Search. Cloud drive Workplace v10 features "cloud drive," which transforms your cloud repository into a virtual local workplace for windows 10, so you can Enjoy full access to all of your Workplace files right on your PC.

Make your files available offline by syncing them from источник статьи new file or folder right-click menu in The Workplace app interface or in The Workplace Folder interface. Use these context menus workplace for windows 10 quickly and easily perform common functions like sharing with your team, creating and workpkace public shares, file locking, and marking items as favorites.

Configurable Workplace Folder drive letter You can now control the drive letter applocker windows your Workplace Folder.

Workplace account switching If you have multiple Workplace accounts, you workplace for windows 10 associate them all with one instance of Workplace for Windows and Mac. The Workplace app interface A sleek, intuitive user interface makes is easy to locate what you and your team have worked on recently in the Workplace app.

The Workplace Folder interface Just as they do in the Workplace app interface, context menus in your Workplace Folder make your options workplace for windows 10 and easily accessible. And workplace for windows 10 you're in the main interface or in the Workplace Folder, our icons always mean the same thing: Icon Meaning The item is available to you when you're online.

The item has been synced and is available to you offline. The item has been locked. The item has been locked by another user. The item is one of your favorites. The item has been publicly shared. Install Workplace v10 Workplace for Windows and Mac v10 is the default installation app for the Workplace service. The main interface will display:. In the Search workplace for windows 10, begin typing your query. Your search results will display below the search field and will be refined further as you workplacs.

In the results area, double-click a file to open it on your device, or double-click a folder to open it in your Workplace Folder. You may also right-click an item to reveal additional options. Click one of the item view links. Double-click a sindows to open it winndows your device, or double-click a folder to open it in your Workplace Folder. Workplace for windows 10 the button at the bottom of the window to simply pause until tomorrow, or select a duration.

The Workplace service will resume automatically workplxce the end of that workplace for windows 10. To manually worjplace the service, click the button. Click the icon workplace for windows 10 the top right portion of the view. This popup window will display: Enter a name for the project.



Workplace for windows 10 -


By submitting this form, you agree to receive marketing-related electronic communications from Meta, including news, events, updates and promotional emails. You may withdraw your consent and unsubscribe from such emails at any time. You also acknowledge that you have read and agree to the Workplace Privacy terms. Company Announcements.

Sales Team. London Team. Project Planning Team. Primrose Contreras. Technical Solutions: On this page, you will find the top Knowledge Solution Articles authored by Avaya Associates to solve technical issues. Technical Solutions Recommended Solutions There are no results available right now.

Technical Solutions 1. Technical Solution Search Enter. Your support registration has been received and is in the approval process. Your Company Administrator is reviewing your request in order to approve your login. You will receive a confirmation email upon approval. However, you can open Service Requests now by accessing the "Service Requests" tab. Would you like to chat with one of our Support Agents?

Yes No Ask Me Later. Ava and Web Chat functionality is only available to customers and partners who are logged in and have an active maintenance agreement. Small business and departments. Build your own digital workspace. Citrix online store Buy Citrix products, request a quote, or learn more about our products and subscriptions. Download Citrix Workspace app Citrix Workspace app is the easy-to-install client software that provides seamless secure access to everything you need to get work done.

Support Downloads Community. Success Center Get expert guidance, resources, and step-by-step instructions to navigate your path to the cloud. Fundamental Training Learn about planning, deployment, and management of Citrix solutions, so you can maximize the value of your investment.

Contact us. Sign in. Sign Out. Find Downloads. Select a product What's new, fixed or updated Release notes. This topic demonstrates how to use Workplace Join to connect your Windows device with your workplace and how to access a web application by using Single Sign-On.

In this walkthrough, you access a company web application before you join your device to the workplace. The webpage displays the claims that were included in your security token.

Notice that the list of claims does not include any information about your device. You might also observe that you do not have Single Sign-On. Log on to the webpage by using a company domain account: roberth contoso. The webpage lists all the claims in your security token. Only user claims are present in your security token.


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